Friday, July 10, 2009

Chapter 12

Queless returns to the Spires of the Morning and gathers his companions. The members of the Foes of the Fang are not quite ready to host their meeting regarding the recent vampire attacks, although they agree to adjourn as soon as Queless and his friends return from investigating the Field of Triumph. By chance or perhaps Tymora's luck Loli Savage shows up to spend some time with Misha Borne of the Light, her boyfriend. Although Karis Savage is none too pleased by Loli's choice in a boyfriend he takes it in stride and keeps focused on his mission. Misha has gathered some key information from the Foes of the Fang and is ready for a vampire encounter, along with the items the group received from the "FOTF". Morin Granitefist, champion of Moradin Soulforger, the God of the Dwarves is all rested and ready for action. Their new companion Ghen Dwvelt of Kelemvor, the God of Death and Judgment is stoic and steadfast, ready to leave immediately. He claims he will throw down his life if need be in defense of the great Morin Granitefist and his companions. To add to the confusion, the Velvet Champion has returned to his roots and agreed to lend a hand. He returns home to fetch his rapier, cloak and cape, and large brimmed hat complete with "quite a cheesy looking and over-sized fluffy feather" as Morin calls it. The Velvet Champion grins from ear to ear upon his return as a few members of the group snicker and cover their faces. "Perhaps you judge me by my appearance, but you shall see some action soon friends. I'm a little rusty with the blade, but there's a reason they used to call me the contre-carte".

Before everyone leaves they check and recheck their gear and make sure they aren't forgetting anything, or anyone for that matter.

"Morin, Council Member Mendothian was abducted last night. So were several guards. I spoke to another Council Member who was a cleric of Tyr. It seemed like he knew what was happening. I guess there will be a mage watching us from afar. It makes me wonder, if they are so powerful, why don't they simply vanquish this vampire themselves? Please do not take what I said the wrong way Morin, we should be honored to work with such people. What is the hold up with those priests?? They know that time is against us."

Morin nods grimly "My friend, sometimes when strong and just folks are handed power it goes to their head. They're too damned busy pushing papers around and not paying enough attention to their people's needs. We'll step in and vanquish this fiend and then they'll all be makin' their political moves, all claiming they were the ones who sent us to save Waterdeep. I don't care though, I just care about banishing this dreadful beast from our world. He dost not belong here!"

Queless approaches VC after Morin makes jokes about his feather. "Nice hat, VC! I take it there'll be no more rickshaw rides from you. We have credit at Aurora's Whole Realms warehouse. I think we should gear up before defending into the depths of the sewers. Ye might want to change thine attire as there will be no way to remove the stench of the sewers from thine clothes."

"Yes, thank you very much Queless. I shall go change and return shortly. We shall all run together to the Field of Triumph to get warmed up for our possible encounter with beasts evil and foul."

Queless yells across the room to Morin and Ghen who are busy making small talk. "MORIN! GHEN! Art thou ready to leave yet? Shall we first go to the Fields of Triumph or wouldst it please thee to purchase our gear at Aurora's first? What about ye, Karis. Doth ye need any sundries?"

Karis looks him in the eyes. "I need to polish the boots." He then takes a bite of an apple he was carrying with him. *CRUNCH*

Queless makes a list of goods to pickup at Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog warehouse.

Shield (kite)
Mirror x 3
smoke bomb x 3
spool of twine
a box with small bells (different sizes)
Lantern oil

Bag of marbles (100)
3 wind-up noise makers

After visiting Aurora's Whole Realms to pick up supplies the large group makes for the Field of Triumph, Waterdeep's Arena.

This huge open-air stadium is the site of many spectacles staged for the populace of Waterdeep. From late spring to late autumn, thousands of people flood through the awe-inspiring Lion Gate to witness shows of magic, martial skills, horse races, and
monstrous exhibitions of creatures big and small. The Field also acts as a public forum for such important public events as the Open Lord’s proclamations to the city and special gatherings for foreign dignitaries.

Upon arriving at the Field of Triumph the gates are closed and no events are currently being hosted. A couple guards dressed in Roman era type garb lean against the wall, half awake, with their helmets partially over their eyes blocking the bright sunlight. As the group approaches one of the guards glances up and seems quite startled. He jumps and then shakes the guard next to him. "Ked, we got company."

"Ked" is roused from his slumber and he steps forward brandishing a spear. "Hail and well met travelers. You have found the Field of Triumph, the great Arena of Waterdeep! We are currently closed in preparation for new exciting events. Please watch for colour fliers which will be passed out at market next week! Thank you for coming and have a glorious day!" after finishing his pre-programmed speech, Ked turns his back to the group and lazily saunters back to his post in front of the closed gate and portcullis (the main gate of the arena).

The Fellowship of Lightning and friends are left smirking and exchanging glances.
Morin whispers "We're trying to kill a vampire and this schmuck is busy advertising next weeks programme?" Someone makes a silly face and the entire group explodes in laughter at the situation.

Queless wipes the tears from his eyes, and trying to stifle his laughter steps forward and says "Guardsmen, we are the Fellowship of Lightning. We were granted access to The Field of Trimuph by Council Member Dethrick Melbar of Tyr. We request your compliance to his wishes."

Ked steps forward to meet Queless.
"A Drow leader? Now this is most strange. Beg your pardon sir, but I've only seen a Drow once in my life and he was not well liked enough to be leading a group. If you truly have gained the support of all these comrades, you must be very rich indeed. Perhaps you can use THAT kind influence to get inside." Morin steps forward and sticks a finger in the guard's eye. "Aye, he IS rich. Rich in friends who won't let assholes like you go harrassing him because he's a different color than you. Now take these documents, look them over and get the nine-hells outta our way. We got bigger problems to fry than you today!"

As Karis walks by the guard he will point at the guards collar and say
"Hey what is this?" As the guard looks down at Karis's finger Karis craks a smile. He just fell for the oldest trick in the book........ *BOP!*

The guard backs off and glares at Morin and Karis as Queless hands the documents to him to look over. The Arena guard Ked nods and wipes a tear of pain from his slightly gouged eye and signals an unseen guard above to open the gates and raise the portcullis. The group moves inside the grand entrance to the Field of Triumph. The entrance here is big enough for a large mob to push through easily. Brown and gray alternating stones make up the walls and floor here. There are passageways leading off to the right and left almost immediately. The first couple lead down stairs, most have guards posted before them. The sounds of strange animals and beasts echo from below. As the group moves further into the arena stairs lead up into the grandstands. The place is empty and silent save for the occasional yawn of a bored guard or the echo of a howling beast being whipped somewhere deep below the stone bricks under the Fellowship's feet.

Queless speaks to the Fellowship as he walks in the middle of the group.
"Guardsman Rionnius and Alderman Wendel and maybe others disappeared here last night. We should ask the guards on duty that night if they saw them."

"Aye" says Morin "Let's spread out so we don't waste time. Each one of you start questioning guards. Half of us will start down here, the other half at the start." Morin points "Get started right away and let's make haste, meeting in the middle. You find anything out, come get us right away!"

Queless begins questioning guards. "Guardsman! Doth ye know who was on duty last night at the time of the disappearance of Guardsman Rionnius and Alderman Wendel?"

"We'd like to see the last place Guardsman Rionnius and Alderman Wendel were seen. Was anything found there?"


After questioning all of the guards the Fellowship rejoins to share information. Once all the facts are in, they lay them out of the table.


*Many Arena Guards report having a visit from a large contingent of Waterdeep City Guards earlier in the day asking about Wendell and Rionnius.

*There have been some strange scratching noises in various parts of the underbelly of the Field of Triumph usually being heard at night.

*An Arena Guard named Jiyh remembers Wendell coming to investigate reports of strange sounds coming from the sewers below the underbelly of the Field of Triumph. Jiyh's shift ended an hour after Wendell arrived so he didn't see him leave, but heard later that he had disappeared.

*Palace Guardswoman Rionnius was seen here yesterday looking for Wendell of the Sewage Construction and Maintenance. She was seen in every part of the Arena before finally visiting the underbelly of the Field of Triumph and disappearing without a sound.

*A city guard named Charles had got out of line early this same morning and throttled a man named Dwight Peeblebrand before the city guardsmen pulled Charles off Dwight and dragged him away kicking and screaming at Dwight. Many Arena guards recall hearing the words "You bastard! I know you're hiding something and I will establish your guilt!" echoing through the hallways of the underbelly of the Arena.

Queless paces as speaks to the Fellowship who are sitting in the bleachers.

"This is good, we hath some leads. As I suspected they were last seen near the sewers. That scratching noise is consistent with what I heard when I was trapped in the sewers a few days ago, and what Morin and I heard during the fire at the Silver Lion Inn."

"We also have names to go on. Guardsmen Jiyh and Charles should be contacted. And if possible we should try to find this Dwight Peeplebrand and see exactly what is going on."

"Rionnious and Wendel are in grave danger. We must descend to the lowest reaches of this place immediately and investigate. Morin and I have been tracking this knave and have learned some of his tricks. Be aware of his undead minions, they steal thine strength and no sooner then they are killed they reappear to fight again. "

"We must also return to the Spires of Morning.... We are racing against time and when that happens you always lose. We need to split up. VC we need your speed to reach the Guardsmen, Karis as a fellow guard I believe you will be able to gain information that no one else can from these gentlemen. If you meet Guardsman Charles see what you can find out about Dwight Peeplebrand and where we might be able to find him."

"Will this cover it? Is there anything I've missed? Please speak up, thine ideas art welcome."

Karis rubs his chin. "Hmmm, it sounds like Charles could know something of interest. But once this Dwight Peeblebrand learns that we are investigating this case he will no doubt run if Charles learned he is of interest to this case." Karis reaches into his pack to pull out some parchment and charcoal. He writes a quick message on the Parchment. Then rolls it up. "Queless" he hands the letter to his companion. "Have this sent to my Lords citadel. Deliver it to Kashum Tendlis, the captain on duty. Then we will talk to Charles together."

"Queless, allow me." The Velvet Champion bolts off with great speed, finds a messenger and sends the letter off coin in hand. "Since that is taken care of, I shall stay with the group!" VC smiles.

The group makes their way down two flights of stairs into the underbelly of the Field of Triumph, looking for an entrance way to the sewers. At one point while searching about, the Fellowship descends down a stairwell and a ramp into a hallway about 100 yards long with a promising stench drifting down it. The group reaches the end of the hallway which is somewhat run down. The bricks here are cracking under stress from the pressure of many years full of packed Arena crowds sitting and leaping upon the stands. At the end of the corridor are a couple cages with dark, furry, growling forms huddled in the corner. Puddles of urine run out onto the cracking cobblestones underfoot which trickles down into the small crevasses between the cracks. At the end of the corridor is a large metal grate which the stench of the wonderful sewers of Waterdeep emanates from. The refuse of lords and low-life's alike scums together like a great maelstrom of filth deep below and creeps along at the speed of a gelatinous cube.

Just as the group is about to pry the gate loose Loli Savage calls out "look lively now!" Turning around the group gets a special treat! A strange looking mutated creature stands in the corridor drooling with anticipation. It has the body, legs (complete with huge claws), and fur of a grizzly bear, the head and teeth of a twisted and mutated feline hunting cat, and the long tail of a wyvern, complete with gigantic stinger. A chain is wound round it's neck which is held by a tall half-elf man wearing light leather armor with a rapier at his side. He has tousled black hair and wears strange alien jewelry around and through his ears. His nose is also pierced and he has strange tattoos covering one hand. You notice that he also has a magical wand tucked into his belt. "Tsk, tsk. You should not be down here. You are not permitted." He twists and whips the chain skillfully which untangles the chain around the beasts neck. Then he tosses a chunk of meat over the creatures head which rolls to the ground in front of the Velvet Champion's feet. "On guard!" VC calls out as he leaps through the air and onto the body of the creature which is charging forward to get the chunk of meat tumbling across the floor. After that he leaps from the creature's back, does a somersault and lands facing his adversary, sword already drawn. The half-elf does not seem phased by this and calmly side steps VC's first attack while unsheathing his rapier. VC smiles "It's been awhile, but this shall be fun indeed!"

The creatures in the cages to the groups right are going crazy at the smell of fresh meat and begin to claw and gnaw at the bars of their cells. (DM NOTE: They both looks like something out of TMNT, mutant gorillas with huge teeth and claws!)
Morin calls out "No need to attack this creature! It's only going for the meat. Back up!"

Queless backs up with Morin while drawing his sword.

Queless mutters to Morin "These beasts be in a frenzy and we're caught with our backs against the walls. Let us try reason first before bloodshed."

He then yells out "We are authorized to be here by the members of the city council. We are dutifully working under contract investigating disappearances of peoples from this area. Actions thou takest against our party THE FELLOWSHIP OF LIGHTNING wilt be actions thou takest against Waterdeep. Recall thine beast or thou both shalt die!"

The beasts in the cages to your right rage and begin to shake the cage bars and scream wildly!

The unique looking half-elf seems to completely ignore Queless and continues his sword fight with the Velvet Champion. So far neither opponent has struck, but the blades clash with such speed they are barely visible. The two dexterous individuals circle each other with fierce grins upon their faces. It almost looks like they're having fun!

Meanwhile the creature before the FOL swallows the chunk of meat whole and lets out a low growl. It stalks forward but then stops and crosses back and forth the width of the passageway. Obviously a large group of armed humanoids all packed at one end of a corridor does not look like very good hunting to this mutant cat creature. It looks to it's master for instruction. "VST! VST! KILL!" the man calls out to her. The creature turns back around to attack, but Morin is already there with his broadsword and uses the flat of the blade to slap her across the face. She is stunned, but for a moment.

Karis stands in front of his sister, holding his sword out at the ready while keeping her back with his other out stretched hand. "Stay your ground..... Stay your ground....." He orders the men. If the beast comes too close then his is the blade that will greet it first. Loli begins to cast protective spells over the group, Ghen Dvelt also takes the cue and begins to pray to Kelemvor for protection in this battle.


Watching the cat and the group waiting for the right moment. Seeing Morin stun the cat Queless calculates a leap to get behind the beast, hoping to assist VC against the half-elf. The space between the cat and the wall is slim but Queless charges through and makes it to the other side of the cat unscathed.

Karis drops his sword to the ground and takes advantage of the stunned cat. He runs at it like a quarter back about to tackle his opponent. Instead of attacking it however, he uses the cats large body as a platform, leaping off of the beast and judging the distance and direction wrong glances off the wall and hits the floor, rolling down the small ramp directly behind the giant cat.

Queless crouches behind his shield trying to make himself a small target.
Queless looks over at Karis then back to the cat. "Thine sword is sharp friend and serves thee well, hopefully thine eyes are as sharp, do watch that stinger. VC needs our help, keep the cat occupied."

The cat creature keeps it eyes trained on Morin while striking randomly with it's stinger. The first strike slams into the cobblestones between Queless and Karis, who is still recovering from his dexterous fall. The stinger hits the ground with such force that some of the stones crack and are loosened with the blow. The cat lunges forward at Morin who blocks its huge teeth with his shield. Loli leaps forward and brings her mace down, grazing its shoulder but causing the cat to recoil a bit in pain. It hisses loudly like an angry kitty cat! Ghen Dvelt unsheathes his bastard sword and prepares for combat. Misha Borne has been chanting this entire time and finally finishes his spell, although the effects are not immediately apparent. He begins to pray again while Loli steps in front to guard him.

Karis leaps into the air and swings his sword hard. (called shot at the stinger) He strikes true! (NATURAL 20!!!) The end of the stinger is chopped clean off and goes flying through the air, nearly hitting the Velvet Champion in the face! He glances back with a sheepish grin and continues sword fighting without looking. "Aye, nice one mate!" he calls out to Karis. "Let's get some more of that action happening around here!" The beast writhes in pain which gives everyone a chance for another free attack!

MISHA: Casts
PRAYER = Allies hit/dmg/save @ +1, Enemies hit/dmg/save @ -1. (No concetration required!)


Having side-stepped the large cat Queless assists the Velvet Champion. Wrapping his shield arm around the adversary Queless traps his arms behind his shield and with a kick to the back of his knee pulls him to his heels. The Velvet Champion with a grand swish of his blade knocks his opponents blade clean out of his hands. The blade flies through the air and skitters across the floor stopping next to the cells holding the ape-like beasts.

Karis slashes a small gash in the side of the beast above it's ribcage with his Waterdeep Guard Issued Longsword.

Loli swings hard with her mace, but the creature is too quick and leaps out of the way, headed for Queless and the Velvet Champion.

Morin hurls his war hammer but it whizzes past the beast and slams into the stone bricked ramp with a *thunk*!

Ghen grips his bastard sword tightly and rushes in. A quick thrust into the rear of the beast causes blood to spurt out all over his blade. He rips it out and prepares to invest again.

Misha finishes casting another spell on the party. He says nothing but prepares to cast yet again. He is shouting out strange words and praises Lathander Morninglord profusely.


VC: 3
GHEN: 12

Misha begins to cast another spell.

The Velvet Champion places his rapier to the throat of the half-elf. "Doth ye surrender?" The Half-Elf gulps and nods reluctantly. "Call off your beast."

The Elf raises his voice "Tsk Tsk Friends!" The cat ceases attacking and backs up carefully, still wary of the people who were just attacking it.

Queless says to VC "Disarm our new friend whilst I have him well held."

"Aye." the Velvet Champion grabs a long curved blade from the Half-Elf's belt and unsheathes it. It glows with a bright yellow light and the blade pulses red as the Velvet Champion grasps it in his hand. VC goes to throw it across the room but then stops and looks closely at it. He grips the blade tightly and smiles. "This blade... it feels so good in my hands." VC starts to wander off away from the battle and drops his rapier.

Queless pulls out a dagger and puts it to the pinned half-elf's back "Why did thee think it wise to attack? We are lawfully investigating murders. By delaying us you could be considered a culprit. Who are you and what is your duty here?" Answer now or thou shall feel the bite of my blade in thine back."

"I am not afraid of your or anything you can do to me." Says the Half-Elf. "Although I do not wish to die, I don't think you will kill me. You are Drow and I am a Moon Half-Elf. No one will side with you over my death and you will be imprisoned for your entire miserable life. I would spit on you could I twist my head round that far. You are the banished and you have no place here. The God's banished you from the world of light long ago from which you were never to return. You dare show your face here? Why are YOU down here? What are YOU looking for?"

Queless spoke "Thine poisonous words suit thine forked tongue well, fiend. That I am an outcast tis true, but even to mine own people am I an outsider for I was raised by humans. Ever on the outside looking in, yet my blade cuts as deep and mine eyes art as keen as any others. We'll be the ones asking questions. Let me remind you that tis unwise to insult the ones who holds ye life in their hands."

"We are under orders of the Lords of Waterdeep to investigate a series a crimes. We have full authority to be here and to access the sewers below. Thou shall comply with us or face imprisonment. If thou forcefully resist we will kill thee dead. We haven't the time for your oratory about thine heritage, or mine for that matter, nor do we care."

The Half-Elf squirmed under Queless's grasp. Morin rushed up to help hold the Elf with his short sword. The Half-Elf spoke "I'm not going to answer your mundane questions. I have better things to be doing than killing you. Plus, I'm just doin' my job... Why not let me go? If you let me sneak outta the arena I'll give you a few magical relics and some gold."

Queless answered "Thou speakest too much. And not a word given answers our questions. I warn you one last time fool, identify thine self and state thine business attacking us. Answer well or thou shalt find ye self rotting away in one of Waterdeep's dungeon. There no one will find ye."

"Karis! Guardsman. Bind this fool. We shall see how well he keeps his secrets after some persuasion."

Karis pulls out another apple and crunches into it. "I won't tell you guards if you don't." He holds the apple in his teeth and pulls out a strip of leather that he pulls taught. "Let's see if I can still do this old choke hold with this thing..." He slowly walks over to the man and kicks him hard in the groin. "Whoops, I tripped!" Karis kneels down and looks the man in the eyes. "You spill your guts we'll let you go as long as I NEVER see you in my city again. You resist, we'll beat your brains outta that thick skull and throw you into the sewers so the giant rats can have at ya."

The Half-Elf struggles to sit up. "I, I... it's just a job. I was hired to protect the creatures and keep people out. A couple peeps got in though... and we... uh.. they're still alive. You want to see Pebblewreath, he's the owner of the monsters here. He found something awhile ago and doesn't want to let the secret out. He wants to profit off this venture. There's a secret door up the stairs to the left. It leads to an office where he's usually attending to paperwork.
Please don't tell him I told you, just let me go as you promised."

"Morin check for that door." Queless said.
Morin nods and walks up the stairs to check for the secret door.

"Karis, if you would. Tie a bit of rope around our new friends ankle."

"Aye, I'll make sure it's tight enough to cut off the circulation. *CRUNCH*" Karis slowly finishes his apple and then binds the Half-Elf's legs tightly.

"Be that door trapped? No matter." Queless pushes the half-elf towards the direction of the door. "Open the door for us. When ye have done so thine job is done. And thou wilt be free to go."

"Alright. I'll open it for you, but after that I'm leaving with my cat. Freida TSK TSK COME!" The Half-Elf calls to his cat. The giant mutated creature creeps up the stairs behind the group cautiously. Morin stands at the landing at the top of the stairs staring at bricks and running his hands over the wall the Half-Elf spoke of. "The trigger is three bricks from the top. Grab the brick and twist to the right, otherwise you set off a trap." the Half-Elf says. Morin does so and the sounds of gears turning issues from the wall to the right. Morin turns that way expecting a door to open, but instead the wall with the movable brick swivels open just enough for a man to squeeze through, but barely. A very narrow passage leads 50 feet down a tiny hallway to a halfling sized brown wooden door with a golden handle and golden lion head knocker. A sign hangs above the door which reads:

'Trespassers Beware: Death Awaits Ye Beyond'

"And what of this door Moon elf?"

"I don't go down there unless Pebblewreath is with me. He sets some traps in this hallway and that door."

As Queless turns to face the half-elf, who's frantically trying to untie his ropes, Morin casts a spell. [detect traps]

"Moradin, have the stones tell me their secrets." [3 turns = 30 minutes]

After observing the hallway for a minute he turns to the party. "These humans know nothing of stone craft. Though I must give them credit for trying. There is a trap on the floor in front of the door, one above it, and one directly on it. There are also possible signs that another trap is just beyond the door which I can just make out by peering underneath." Morin says.

"Well, well, I suppose we should free thee." Queless observes the half-elf's hands, specifically his fingernails and eye color. They have a slight purple tinge to them and his eyes are gold with silver specks. "We shall disarm thee now, tis a small price to pay for thine life. Let it be a lesson to you: do not cross a drow who lives in daylight."

"Should we meet again, it will be your life." Queless said to the Half-Elf.

[DM TO PC: You already took the half-elves rapier, VC has the curved blade, he has a wand and a ring on each hand. An ancient looking silver necklace is also around his neck which has small brown beads upon which elven text is inscribed. ]


VC has a Curved Al Qadim Dagger +3 (1d4+3) which is Intellegent and NE

Ring of Sustenance Bday Present

Ring of Agility (DEX +1!) Bday Present

Necklace of Summoning Heroes of SSI Gold Box DOS games (Once per week summon a random hero from any of the old Forgotten Realms Strategic Simulation DOS games to assist you either in battle or with information. Hero will stay for 1 hour or until slain at which point they return to binary within the necklace) Bday Present

Wand of Spelljamming (Functions Unknown (Bone?)!) Bday Present]

Once freed the half-elf runs up the stairs to freedom.

"What in the nine hells happened to VC?" Queless looked around for VC.

"He is wandering around downstairs talking to that glowing knife." Loli said.

Morin brushes Queless aside. "This is no job for an elf. Stand aside and let me show you how Moradin deals with these tricks. Thou may stand above me with thine sword, but that is all."

Morin examines the traps trying to find their trigger.
[ From PHB: Close examination will enable the caster to sense what intended actions might trigger it {the trap}.]

Morin starts casting a spell. "Moradin Soulforger, with thine hammer did thou create the dwarves from the deepest bedrock. Grant me power over the stone here. I command the earth to occupy all spaces within these walls! Let not a hair pass between thine cracks."

[Morin casts stone shape. His goal is to crush any traps inside the walls or floor. If the floor is a dead fall, the stone will crush the hinge and fuse to the panel. And if there is enough area left in the spell he will open the door frame, forcing the door open]

Queless steps back smiling to himself, happy to have such good companions. Thinking to himself "Fellowship of Lightning, eh? Me thinks there is a bright future here."

Queless then grabs a quick bite from his rations and drinks some water.

Morin locates the traps and fuses solid rock over them. He carves a separate tunnel through a side wall and around the door into the room. Upon entering he spots a trap on the other side of the door and fuses the rock from the bricks over the top of it. The room beyond this passage holds but a tiny cramped office full of all manner of paperwork and a halfling sized chair and desk. A magical glowing globe illuminates the desk and a strange clicking can be heard emitting from some kind of device with turning gears which rests upon the desk. It is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand and has numbers on a circular face on the front. Morin waves Queless in. "Tis safe now. Come on down, but only Queless. Not enough room for everyone down here."

"Queless, VC is leaving us. He's going upstairs and he won't respond to my inquiries."
said Misha Borne of the Light.

"Morin, hold fast. Our companion has decided to wander off.... Perhaps he's been bewitched or something."

"Aye, better that you all are out of the way as this area is not safe yet. I have spotted another trap. Call if ya need my assistance!" Morin nods at Queless.

Queless addresses the FOL "Misha and Karis thou shalt guard this passage way with Morin whilst I try to slap some sense into VC. Loli please accompany me to help VC regain his senses. Let's make haste!"

Queless and Loli run to where Misha last saw VC. On their way back to VC's former location they spot him heading up the stairs on his way out of the underbelly of the arena. He seems caught in some form of trance. Even the way he moves has changed. His back is slumped over and he has a strange scowl on his face. The Velvet Champion glances back just before he rounds the corner. "Don't follow me you little peons, unless you have a fucking death wish!"

Monday, May 4, 2009

Chapter 11

"Let us see if we art truly underground. Mine eyes have been deceived before." Queless muttered as he drew his Drow longsword, knowing that it would glow magically in the darkness. When the sword was pulled from his sheath he noticed that it did not glow.


Queless pulled the Velvet Champion's whistle out of his pocket, put it to his mouth and blew. It was silent for a moment and then a strange light could be seen moving ever closer from the deeper depths of the cavern. As Queless watched the light grew brighter and brighter until it was upon him! A giant glowing orb with a huge eye in the center and a gaping maw full of sharp teeth was baring down on him quickly and looked ready to devour him! Suddenly dozens of small eye stalks burst from the glowing creatures orb of a head and beams of light began to shoot out towards Queless, blasting chunks of the ground away and throwing debris into the air!

"My sword does not glow despite that fact that it appears we are underground. The speed at which the beholder is approaching is similar to the Velvet Champion. Perhaps this is all an illusion. I shall try to disbelieve."

Queless closed his eyes and tried to imagine the streets of Waterdeep as they were, the cavern surroundings faded away as he disbelieved the illusion. Queless found himself standing outside the Dancing Cyclops with the Velvet Champion standing before him. "Queless, are you OK? You look at me as though I am your enemy."

"For a moment VC mine eyes deceived me. I did enter battle while you were gone... again. This time with a Mind Flayer. It is time I went back to the temple. There are injured people here, Morin must be notified and he shall help. Please give me a few moments to collect my gear and we'll go."

"Mind Flayers are very dangerous adversaries. I'm surprised that you survived, perhaps you are stronger than I previously had thought." The Velvet Champion parked his rickshaw and took a seat to wait for Queless.

Queless ran into the Dancing Cyclops to gather his gear and look over the carnage, making sure his eyes didn't deceive him again. Queless was moving slow and his mind was becoming foggy. He was growing weary from the longest day of this life. Today he fought zombies, trudged through the sewers, fought his way through an inn, met old friends, met Vampire Slayers, and fought Mind Flayers. I think we may have even left something out there. Queless went to search the body of the Mind Flayer hoping to find a clue as to where they took the mighty barkeeper. Unfortunately the body and any sign that it had been there were gone. No blood, no markings, nothing. The only substantial evidence that something had occurred in the tavern were the multitude of injured patrons and the smashed tables, chairs, and bottles. Some of the people madly ran about and Drake called out to Queless. "How are we to get out of this cavern with all the injured? There has to be a way!" Drake's face was filled with grief for the injured, especially the gorgeous women at his table.

"PEOPLE! Thine eyes are deceived. We be in Waterdeep still! Help is coming, I am going to fetch some clerics!" The folk in the tavern looked up and listened to Queless. One of the men called out "Yes, it is an illusion and I shall help you all see so! Here, look out this window." He opens a window. "Gaze out not upon rock and stone, but upon wood and steel. Beyond this window is a shop and I will describe it to you. Visualize it and you will leave this illusion!" As the man is helping the inn folk, Queless strides over to Drake.

"Steady thineself Drake. Even if we were underground we could find
our way out. Please watch over the wounded."

"Aye, you are right Queless. Sorry I lost it there a bit. I'll take care of things here, you can count on me! By the way, I'm staying the night here so look me up after this is all over."
Drake smiles and nods at Queless and then begins to help the wounded.

Queless walks back to VC. "I am ready to go back to the Temple sir." The Velvet Champion nods as Queless climbs into the rickshaw. The moment Queless sits down he is asleep. The next thing Queless knows Morin is by his side and the rickshaw is moving south. "Mornin' sunshine." Morin says sarcastically. "Can't a dwarf get any sleep? The Velvet Champion sent for me since ya were sleepin'! He filled me in on what happened. We're on our way now." Morin sits back and sighs. "Queless, when this is all over I wouldn't mind taking a long holiday. I have been praying to Moradin Soulforger for the strength, which he grants. He does not although, relieve the stress. I shall need a tough dwarven woman, a few pints of ale, and a long holiday far from here for that!" Morin looks about sleepily as the rickshaw streams the colors of the city into a blur. Finally the rickshaw slows to a stop directly in front of the Dancing Cyclops. "We have arrived gentlemen." Says the VC.

*YAWN* "W-wh-what? Already? Very good, very good...."

Queless drowsily walks back to the Dancing Cyclops with Morin.

"Morin... we beset.. ..uh..Mind Flayers and... uh.. injured in the
bar. I did slayeth only one. A powerful man... the owner abducted in the battle. I tried bind... the wounded... uh.. stop bleeding, but.... ahem! Maybe some

Morin put his hands over his face and shook his head.
"Queless, take this rickshaw back to the Morning Spires and get some rest. You sound awful. I'll do what I can here and meet you back at our room in a couple hours. The guards are on their way now." Morin points down the street. "I'll be fine. You'll be one of those walking dead soon if you don't get some sleep. Now get!" Morin shews Queless off away from the inn, the Velvet Champion has a smirk on his face.

"Agreed Morin. Should you need me I will be sleeping like the dead."

Queless returned to the Spires of the Morning and paid the Velvet Champion handsomely for his assistance. As soon as Queless's head touched his pillow he was fast asleep. He slept so deeply that he never even heard Morin enter in the middle of the night.

Queless was woken from his slumber by a knock at his door.
He unlocked it and sleepily swung it open.

Before Queless stood a tall, heavily muscled man in a chain mail shirt and skirt with leather sleeves and pants protruding from beneath each, respectively.

A holy symbol attached to his chain mail armor was adorned with the symbol of a skeletal hand holding golden scales aloft. At his side was a fine looking bastard sword. Looking as if he traveled a great distance, he wore a heavy traveling pack and well worn horseman boots. His skin was browned from many hours in the sun, he had green eyes and black hair with a white streak down one side. Trailing behind him was a long brown leather cape which matched his pants and shirt.

"Hail and well met. Being Drow in a temple of Lathander, you must be the Queless I seek. I am Ghen Dwvelt of Kelemvor."

"The Lord of Death hath visited me in a dream and requested my presence at the Spires of Morning, the temple of Lathander so that I may assist you in dispatching an undead evil most sinister and foul that seeks dominion over those who hold justice and honor aloft and in great grace." Ghen bowed before Queless. "I hath traveled a great distance and I ask thee for thine approval in that I may join your cause for a time to squelch this undead abomination and purge it from the land of the living. I ask for nothing in return save the termination of the undead abomination and any more that we may have the opportune to vanquish."


Ghen Dwvelt was born and raised in the village of Amphail.
Amphail is famous for its horse breeders and lies on the
Long Road, a good three-day ride north of Waterdeep through
rolling farmlands. By night or in a snowstorm, a traveler can locate
this quiet, beautiful village by the thick stands of duskwood and
spruce that cluster along the road nearby. In summer, the stench of
horse manure gives outsiders ample evidence of the town’s presence.
At the heart of the settlement is an open space known as the
Malanderways, where several side streets meet the Long Road. In
the center of this square is a black stone statue of the great Shalarn,
a war stallion bred in Amphail decades ago. Other notable landmarks
include the Horse Pond, the Old Dead Rowan (a tree as large
as some cottages), and the ruins of the Laughing Bandit Inn.
Amphail was named for Amphail the Just, one of Waterdeep’s
early warlords who had estates here. Although all traces of his keep
are long gone, legend holds that Amphail still rides the area in spirit
form, frightening away trolls and hostile barbarians.
Amphail’s horse farms have traditionally equipped the noble families
and armies of Waterdeep and Neverwinter, as well as merchants
and satraps from Amn and Calimshan. Amphail grays are famous across
Faerûn as intelligent, loyal, and hardy personal mounts. Most soldiers,
however, prefer the larger, more powerful, glossy black chargers that
Amphail’s breeders produce.

The various Waterdhavian noble families who keep stables here—
most notably the Amcathra, Ilzimmer, Jhansczil, Roaringhorn, and
Tarm families—have traditionally been major breeders, and the
whip-wielding Ilzimmer racing teams that frequently thunder up
and down the Long Road are grudgingly tolerated by the locals. The
independent stable masters Ohm “Steelhand” Oglyntyr, Rorth
Baldasker, and Elraghona Selember are also noted breeders.
The extensive holdings of the Eagleshield clan include a farm
where sick animals are nursed and a shop where tack of the finest
sort is made and sold. The Ammakyl family—the richest in the
region by far—is Amphail’s dominant producer of grain and vegetables.
Ammakyl caravans are a regular sight on the road from
Amphail to the City of Splendors.


Queless wipes the sleep from his eyes. "Sir Ghent.... well met. Please excuse my appearance, it has been a long night. Ye speak well, any enemy of my enemy is a friend, but who is this Kelemvor? I have heard that name before amongst trusted friends but what he represents sounds disturbing to me."

Ghen Dwvelt seems to relax a bit and smiles. "It is most ironic that I, a priest of the god of death find myself within the most prestigious temple of Lathander Morninglord, god of rebirth. Know this, the god Kelemvor is not an evil god. He is a lawful and dutiful god who seeks proper judgement for the false and faithless. He also charges his priests with the destruction of undead abominations so that they may visit him in his crystal tower in the planes for FINAL JUDGEMENT."

["Kelemvor (pronounced KELL-em-vor), formerly Kelemvor Lyonsbane, also known as the Lord of the Dead and Judge of the Damned, is the god of death and the dead, and master of the Crystal Spire in the Fugue Plane. In his mortal days, Kelemvor was a skilled mercenary, with the heart of a noble paladin, concealed under rude manners and thwarted by his mysterious family curse."

"Fair yet cold, Kelemvor is the god of death and the dead—the most recent deity to hold this position, following in the footsteps of Jergal, Myrkul, and Cyric. Unlike these other deities, whose rule as gods of the dead made the afterlife an uncertain and fearful thing, Kelemvor urges knowledge that death is a natural part of life and should not be feared as long as it is understood."

"The death clergy as they are known have many duties, most involve tending to the last wishes of the dying and provide burial services to those who die alone. They also set out to cure diseases and defend people from monsters so that folk do not die before their time. Their final and debatably most important task is the destruction of undeath in all its various forms as it is an affront to Kelemvor. Elite priests of Kelemvor are known as Doomguides. Servants of Kelemvor are usually clad in somber gray vestments and brandish hand-and-a-half swords, or Bastard Sword."

"There is only one major centre of worship devoted to Kelemvor, the Tower of Skulls in Ormath."]

Queless nodded and smiled at the lengthy explanation. "Ye are welcome to the Fellowship of Lightning, Sir Ghent, but first thine mettle must shine true before my friend Morin Granitefist, champion of Moradin Soulforger. Please allow me to dress I would like to speak further with you."

"I am sorry that I must make a correction in that I am nary a "sir" nor named "Ghent". My name is Ghen Dwvelt of Kelemvor. I apologize for the correction, though wish to be off to a good start with proper footing. That you shall find the time to speak with me is much appreciated and honored. Where shall I wait while ye prepare yourself for parlay?"

"Pardon me GHEN. It will take but a moment for me to dress. I beg your patience for a moment." Queless closes the door and dresses quickly. He arms himself with his Lightning blade and walks out to meet Ghen. "Ghen, I have a good feeling about you. Let me introduce you to Morin, I believe ye will become fast friends."

Ghen Dwvelt stands from the hallway wooden chair he was resting in to meet Queless halfway. Queless noted that he had a strong and solid handshake and gripped his hand around Queless's wrist, a warriors greeting. Perhaps Ghen had grown up as a warrior and later adopted or been taught the path of Kelemvor- God of Death. "Well met again, Queless of the Fellowship of Lightning."

"THE Morin Granitefist? Champion of Moradin Soulforger? My dwarven friends have told me the tales. It would be a great honor to meet such a blessed Hero! I thank ye for this utmost honor Queless. Today truly is a good day. I must pray soon and give thanks to Kelemvor for his wise guidance and true judgment."

Queless tries to hide his jealousy with kind words. "His name has spread far, with good reason. His wisdom has guided us rightly thus far. I can only hope to achieve as much fame as he."

Queless went back into the small room he and Morin shared at the Spires of Morning, Lathander's temple to wake Morin Granitefist. "Morin, get up! We have friends to meet."

Queless got dressed while Morin tossed and turned under the sheets.

"Morin... Morin.... MORIN! Get up you, dullard! Some guy named Ghen Dwvelt is outside. He seems to have heard good things about thee. He's requesting to join our cause. Mayhaps you can test that gavel out upon him."

"Uhhhhh, tis early Queless. I don't know anyone by that name. Need more sleeeeep."
Morin fell back asleep with the covers pulled tight over his head. Queless quickly got dressed and cleaned himself up before equipping his most basic gear. He then reentered the hallway.

"Ghen, Morin and I have had a difficult night. Mind Flayers are tricky creatures..... He needs to rest, no use bugging him before he's ready."

"Aye, I will exercise great patience and await the heroes awakening. Most likely he rests late due to some heroic late night performance within the walls of this magnificent city of Waterdeep."

As we walk Queless goes over last nights events. "Where did they take him?" Queless wondered aloud regarding the Dancing Cyclops' inn keeper.

"Ah, the Dancing Cyclops. Tis a new place as far as Waterdeep history is concerned. Hath thou previously performed investigative study into the history of this metropolis? Tis a rich history indeed that Waterdeep clings to."

"I need to break my fast, Ghen. Let us see what the clerics here eat."

"Yes, we shall obtain sustenance in whatever form possible this morn and give thanks to the priests and Lathander for it's preparation and offering to us mortals."

The two find a buffet table downstairs and begin to plate up some food along with the Lathanderites. A wide array of brunch items are available for a nominal donation to the church's coffers. (2 gp per person)

"Ghen, this shall be a busy day. There is much to discuss and prepare for. Hast thee delt with the undead before?"

"Aye, many times. I pride myself on being a champion of Kelemvor's lead proxy. I have slain more undead than any other in the North. As far as vampires are concerned, I have slain 14 vampires and banished 2 more from the prime material plane of existance. Tis the reason Kelemvor sent me here. You would happen to be in the stance of need of our assistance with this particular individual. He is known to play games and toy with his would be slayers."

The two take their plates of food and move to sit in a pew where the Lathanderites wait to eat as a priest gives a brief prayer for the gift of food in that we may become 'reborn' each day and serve our creator, the morninglord. After the small ceremony a few candles are lit that were blown out the night prior and the priests begin to eat.

"14 vampires! Thou makest me laugh Ghen! Tell me thou art joking."

The Velvet Champion rounds the corner, picks up a plate and begins plopping food in large quantities upon it while the two continued to converse.

"Nay, I am not one to jest. I find it a waste of valuable life giving air to spout non-truths from my person in an attempt to draw attention from others. My truth is my honor, my honor my truth." Ghen bowed his head and said a short prayer to Kelemvor.

Queless waited for Ghen to finish and then continued speaking. "It sounds like you know our quarry well. Please, I beg thee for more information on our enemy. It seems he is dwelling in the sewers and there is nary a wall or structure he cannot infiltrate with impunity. Tis my goal to rid the land of this fiend."

Ghen looked Queless sternly in the eyes. "When you are ready to speak of thine enemy I recommend calling a meeting with all involved and hiring the most powerful wizard thou allies can afford to safeguard us against scrying attempts by our enemy. I have much information to pass on from Kelemvor's proxy himself."

Before the service starts Queless scans the room looking for his companions from last night. The Velvet Champion nods and walks with a swagger towards the two. "Queless, what's happening man?" The Velvet Champion plops down next to Queless and starts muching on his food before the sermon is completed, oblivious to the church ettiquette. Queless and Ghen are quiet during the sermons but pay little attention to the words of the preachers. Instead they both stare longingly at their food waiting for the service to be over.

"Thou must be hungry after that long ride. I too have traveled far to reach Waterdeep. I come from Shadowdale and by the winds of fate I did end up here. Ye shall be in good company with us, Ghen. Eat up, be merry, our company doth love laughter."

"Aye, let us gain sustenance. We shall need it Queless the good Drow from Shadowdale."

After breakfast Queless checks to see if any of his companions have arrived.

"VC. I may be of need of thine services again today. I should visit Rionnius Patricia at the palace and see her again... maybe she has some valuable information for us."

The Velvet Champion nods while muching on a piece of toast smothered in Bellberry jam. "Alri-*munch munch munch*-ght. Let me know when you're ready to boot."

Queless walks over to the groggy Morin.

"Tough night, eh? Maybe one too many Dwarven Ales... I jest. I am setting off to collect the remaining members of our fellowship and check on a guard at the castle who was to investigate the absence of Wendell the alderman in the Sewage Construction and Maintenance department of Waterdeep. I hope all is well. Canst thou get to know our new friend Ghen? Me thinks he is a person of great importance. He clameth to have slain nearly a score of vampires."

"Aye, Queless." Queless escorted Morin over to Ghen Dwvelt to introduce the two. "Morin Granitefist of Moradin Soulforger, this is Ghen Dwvelt of Kelemvor." Ghen's face turned red and he quickly set down his plate and stood up to greet Moradin. He was awkward in his greeting being crunched in between two pews with one leg in front of the other while brushing the crumbs and oils from his hands. Ghen clasped hands with Morin and shook his arm violently. "Morin Granitefist Champion of Moradin Soulforger, it is a great honor and pleasure to meet you! I grew up listening to my adopted father tell tales of the Dwarves and you were the hero in many a story! I have been awaiting this moment for so long I don't know what else to say. You made me take up the blade and find a deity whom I could deal a great blow to the undead with. Thou art my hero Morin Granitefist!" Morin blushed at this and shook his head. "I... er... they greatly exaggerate my involvement in... uh... those tales are... I don't know what ta tell ya boy. We did what we had ta do. There wasn't any glory in those days... no riches, no heroes. Ya lived or died and did what ya had ta do. Dat's it. Now let's talk about you. Where do ya hail from?" The two started to chat. In the meantime, the Velvet Champion gets up after finishing his meal, completely oblivious to the conversation at hand. "Queless, you ready to roll?" The Velvet Champion had jam smeared across his face and crumbs all over his shirt. Queless smiled and nodded.

Before long the two were off rushing through the warm summer air in Waterdeep. The smell of the ocean mixed with early morning sweetrolls being fried in oil in the street stands lining the way. VC stopped to buy a couple and handed Queless a steaming hot roll wrapped in a piece of a Broadsheet*. While unwrapping the Broadsheet to take a bite Queless caught a news headline from the cover story from the day old paper.


The vendor caught Queless taking a peak at the story and called out. "We got new Broadsheets fer today! Just got em in. Thy Daily Luck, Merchants True Friend, the Waterdeep Herald. Here's the cover story on the Herald." The vendor held up the Broadsheet.


Two officials, a palace guard, and a prisoner all went missing last night from Piergeron's Palace. The watch is investigating...

"One Silver Piece per Broadsheet. Interested?"

For more information on Broadsheets visit:

Queless takes the paper from the news boy. Reading it outloud to VC. His voice noticeably agitated as he speaks.

"Dost thou see this? We must make make haste to the palace! We hath spent too much time preparing, now more have disappeared. We need to act."
The Velvet Champion's face goes as white as a ghost. He nods and rushes Queless off to Piergeron's Palace. Queless goes leaping up the stairs with such urgency that guards rush out to stop him. "You there! Stop and put your hands in the air!" The Palace Guards unsheath their swords and one lowers a large pole arm at his chest. "We demand that you identify yourself and your reason for assaulting the palace, Drow."

"Guards. I am Queless of the Fellowship of Lightning. I have come to speak with Councilmember Mendothian. He is expecting me, please alert him of my presence. Also, I wish to speak with Rionnous Patricia a guardswoman here."

A guard wearing silver platemail with the seal of waterdeep upon the breastplate steps forward. He pulls off his ornate but functional helm which a long length of golden horse hair trails down. "I am Lieutenant Meiteiereth Donlathswallow of the Piergeron's Palace Guard. The man of which you speak- Mendothian, is missing. What do you know of this?" The Lieutenant pushes through the wall of armor and weapons and moves close enough to Queless that he could smell his breath which reeks of onions and clove tea. The Lieutenant's front teeth were covered in plaque so old and coated that it resembled rotting chunks of mutuated corn kernels. "Listen to me Drow. We have been watching you. You've been seen entering and exiting here. You have associated with a recent prisoner who was brought here and disappeared. You came to see Council Member Mendothian under secret and possibly false pretenses. You were the last one seen with Rionnous. You either are behind this recent horrific turn of events, or are involved in something most foul. Either way, we want no part of it. Begone from here foul beast. You and your evil kind are not welcome in this palace anymore. If we see you anywhere near this palace, you'll have nine-hells to pay! BEGONE!" The Lieutenant grabs Queless by his shirt which starts to tear in his iron grip and tosses him down the stairs of the palace. Queless tumbled halfway down before catching himself. Some of the guards snicker and laugh. Others glare with hatred. One man with blonde hair stands in the back of the group and discreetly wipes a tear from his eye and shakes his head in dismay at the other guards actions. He turns and enters the palace like a man on a mission.

Queless picks himself up from the ground. Dusting himself off, then placing his hand upon the hilt of his sword.

"Congratulations good sir. I am Drow, guilty as charged. Arrest me if it pleases thee. Though Drow hate sunlight here I stand. Maybe I'm no typical Drow. But, shouldst thou want to recover these lost souls and bring the culprit to justice then thou should listen and listen well for ye may be the next to disappear."

"As I said before, I am Queless of the Fellowship of Lightning. I am working with priests of Moradin Soulforger, Lathander, Sune, and Kelevmor to eradicate the evil that is behind the disappearances at this palace and the fire at the Silver Lion Inn. We are a licenced mercenary company in the employment of Councilmember Mendothian. If thou continue this course of action thou shall be held as guilty as the fiend that has kidnapped your precious Councilmember and your fellow guards! Let me tell thee, brave Sir Donlathswallow, thou hast no idea what you are up against. Thine enemy can walk though the walls of this palace without being seen nor heard taking what it wants and there is NOTHING ye can do about this. All your strength and power will amount to not should you confront him. Thou wouldst be lucky to be killed instantly, but, instead, ye will watch helplessly as he kills those ye try to save. Now guardsman wilt thou grant me an audience with the councilmembers or wilt thou continue thine assault upon me?"

The color fades in the Lieutenant's face and his mouth opens and closes but no sound comes out. He finally crosses his arms and glares at Queless with a building rage. One of the guards places a hand on the shoulder of the Lieutenant and whispers something in his ear. The Lieutenant nods and withdraws back into the palace. The same guard moves down the steps towards Queless. "Sir, I beg your pardon for the actions of my Lieutenant. He has a personal interest in these recent disappearances. We are not supposed to let personal interests influence our judgment, but unfortunately- he has. Please, come inside with me. My name is George Ferrick, and I am now the Lieutenant on duty. I have relieved Donlathswallow of duty for the rest of the day to recoup his mental status."

"Worry not Lieutenant. We shalt do everything in our power to return those abducted safely." Queless looks over the new guard but keeps his distance.

"Well met Lieutenant George Ferrick. You'll have to excuse me if I seem a little rushed. There no time to lose. I was to meet Council member Mendothian and others today to discuss matters of importance. Although he is missing, I must still meet with someone to petition for aid."

"Understood. I will escort you myself to Council Member Dethrick Melbar of Tyr. He hath been on the council since I was a wee lad. If anyone can help you, it is he. He normally assisted on matters of the court and prosecution, but he is very knowledgeable when it comes to Waterdeep and it's environs. Perhaps he has some information that will assist you in your quest." Lieutenant Ferrick escorts Queless up the beautiful marble stairs towards Mendothian's office but turns down a sharp corner and leads the way into a very large office overlooking the front of the palace. Three large windows grant a most spectacular view of Waterdeep. A man with long gray hair and beard with a long and thin pale face covered in scars turns in his chair. One hand is poised on his chin and he appears deep in thought. "Council Member Dethrick Melbar, Queless of the Fellowship of Lightning is here to see you. Formerly commissioned through Council Member Mendothian." With that the older gentleman quickly turns in his chair and rests his hands folded upon the table. "Queless, a pleasure. Please sit and speak."

Council Member, thank you. If ye don't mind I'll skip the formalities as I see thou art a warrior and sugared words are not fitting.
Surely thou art aware of the abductions that occurred in the palace. And surely thou art aware of the arson in the Dock Ward that claimed the lives of several people. Maybe thou art aware of reports of undead walking the streets and.... elsewhere. If ye did not already guess, these events are related."

Queless lets out a sigh and continues.
"Council Member, what we are dealing with is a Vampire. A very powerful one at that. We are calling a meeting today at the Temple of Morning to discuss this issue. Though I believe immediate action is needed, I will keep my reservations quiet while those much wiser than I have their say. Know this though, I am looking forward to repaying this fiend ten fold the pain he has caused. And with my blade I shall put him to rest, permanently. To do this I am requesting from thee a wizard to protect us from.... what's the word... skrying. Also, maps of the sewer system. That is where we believe him to be hiding. Can we rely on your support?"

Council Member Dethrick Melbar of Tyr leans back in his chair and stretches his arms while yawning. He places them behind his head. "I hath vanquished a few vampires in my day. They are not to be trifled with. Strong creatures indeed. I shall inquire with a mage friend and old adventuring partner of mine as to the whereabouts of this vampire you believe is running rampant within the walls of our fair city. Doth ye have anymore information which would be relevant to my mage friend?"

"On a side note, I notice that ye have the accent of a Dalelander. Ye must have not spent much time in the Underdark growing up. If this be true, from which Dale do ye hail?"

"Aye, I be from Shadowdale, Huldane tis my human name. Was raised by a human family for some generations. I have only vague memories of my parents as I was but a child when I was orphaned. Though 'tis my home, I am exiled. And that tis enough about that."
"Back to the matter at hand, I have little concrete information. The priests of Lathander have in their possession several items we found at the scenes of his crimes. These items I understand to be Necromantic in function. Maybe it would be best if thou heard from the Foes of the Fang who art researching these items at the Temple of Morning. If thine mage friend came along to protect us from prying eyes it would be most fine. By helping me thou shalt be a target of this Vampire. At the inn he did leaveth a note saying that:"

To those who dare upset my work:
Ye shall cease your investigation immediately and leave Waterdeep permanently. Failure to do so will result in the capture and execution of every family member, friend, and acquaintance you hold dear. You have until tomorrow at sundown to exit the city.

Queless stands and places his hand on the hilt of his blade.

"This, to me, is a challenge. Let me ask you brave sir, do I exit the city via the sewers?"[smiles] "And if so, doth ye have a map? As ye can see, time is running short and I must gather my cohorts. We need your support or these killings will continue."

"Aye, Shadowdale tis a beautiful Dale indeed. I myself hale from Mistledale, Ashabenford to be exact. It was there that I learned of my great god Tyr the maimed. His ways of upholding the law, truth, and justice woke me from a great and horrible slumber. My eyes were opened and I found that which I had sought all my life in his guidance. I came to Waterdeep years ago with my adventuring group and ended up retiring here. My time would not be up though, and I continue to work behind the scenes to uphold truth and justice within Waterdeep's great walls."

Council Member Dethrick Melbar of Tyr leans towards Queless talking in hushed tones.

"I know more of what ye speak that I can tell right now. Just know that you have friends in the city that cannot make themselves seen or heard until the time is right. My mage friend cannot assist ye yet, but he keeps a watchful eye on your progress. Make for the Spires of the Morning and get your Fellowship together. Start at the Field of Triumph- Waterdeep's Arena. The Night Lord which you seek is not there at this moment, but one of our palace guards disappeared there nonetheless. I will write ye a charter which provides you full access to the entirety of the Arena. Ye shall have the same access as the Waterdeep Guard. They shall not harass you with this as it is a direct order from a high official. I shall give ye my honorary insignia stamped upon the bottom in pure gold."

Council Member Dethrick Melbar of Tyr pulls a parchment which is already prepared with the Fellowship of Lightning's name upon it from the papers on his desk. He signs the bottom and uses an ancient looking stamp with magically melted gold- poured from a plain looking inkwell on his desk and presses his seal into the base of the document. The seal is Tyr's hammer surrounded by the symbol of Waterdeep - a cresent moon reflected on the water with eight diamonds around the bottom. Within this seal is Dethrick's full name in both common and elvish. Dethrick Melbar hands Queless the rolled up official document to hold while he seals the rolled up parchment with a red wax seal with the emblem of the Waterdeep City Council.

"Gather your Fellowship and head immediately to the Fields of Triumph. Look for anything out of the ordinary. Both Rionnius and Wendel vanished there last evening. I do not know if this Night Lord is involved in these particular disappearances as his movements are very hard for my mage friend to trace. This could be a copycat criminal or possibly more roaming zombies. Either way, take great care. If you are able to find Rionnius the city shall grant you her help in your efforts against the great evil."

"If you return with Rionnius and Wendel I shall hopefully have the neccesary documents prepared. As soon as Wendel lays his signature and seal upon them you shall have full access to the entirety of Waterdeep's sewage system."

Council Member Dethrick Melbar of Tyr stands and salutes Queless. "Good luck and great haste Queless Huldane of Shadowdale." The two shake in the traditional Dalelander fashion.

Queless drops to a knee and bows. "Most gracious of you sir. Your patronage will not be wasted up on us, The Fellowship of Lightning!

"We shall trust the safety of our conversations to thine mage friend. Please give him our thanks."

Queless is escorted out of the palace. Standing outside he breathes in the morning air. Thinking to himself: Here I stand in the greatest city of all the realms speaking to the very people who make and uphold the laws.... Charged with a job that sounds more like a suicide mission than gainful employment. How did I stumble into this mess? Oh well, I can't go avoid it now, guess I'll have to go though it.

"VC, it's time to gather my friends."